Friday, October 2, 2009


Awaiting the commence of the training was probably one of the most nerve racking period I went through. I was not really sure what to expect and if I would be able to adjust to my new surrouning.
However, thanks to my mixed-cultural and geographical background, and of course the warm welcome of the RVA team, I felt straight at home.
My name is Monica and I am a Liberian-German, studying Media and Culture in London.
Like many others I enjoy travelling and living in a developing country where capitalist values have not yet found home in most poeples mentality.
Here in St.Vincent everyone seems very humble and people don't expect much from you, but a smile.
At the Academy, we have a lot of activities and classes, every week there is another personal challenge to be conquered. From- waiking up at 6am to prepare breakfast for 30, organizing twenty very excited primary school kids in doing educational role playing (without any resources), pitching businesses for funding...- to- just being everyday around the same (lovely) people.

My responsiblity area in the school is the vegetable garden. I have always loved eating my vegetables but never thought about working in a garden producing them myself.
Who would have thought that weeding, building garden soil, composting and planting could burn more calories than one and a half hours of a cardio work out!
It is a complete new domain for me, but one is for sure it is great fun gaining these unvaluable skills in food sustainability and in becoming self-sufficient. I enjoy learning these survival tricks side by side with friends, DIs, staff and just odinary people.

About being here, and this is one of the greatest things for me personally, you set your own goals and aims, and you are encouraged and guided but not led in becoming a Development Instructor. You are given so much space to experience things to the full and make and gain your own experiences. If you want to do something do it, if you fail-reflect- and try it another time.
The educational learning system is from a different kind as well.
Instead of, (what most of us are used to) consuming every word from your lekturer as complete -knowledge=truth-, here, everyone is giving the 'power' to argue their point and visions in a non- discrimination athmosphere. In other words, we teach one another, we point to different angles of perception and we discuss and try to understand each other.

All of this makes the Richmond Vale Academy an unforgetable adventure...for me at least...

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